What is a root canal?

A root canal is a treatment that addresses most dental problems involving your teeth’s nerves. It can be used to repair deep cavities, prepare teeth for crowns or other procedures, remove inflamed tissue (pulp), and prevent tooth decay from spreading. A root canal involves removing all the infected pulp and cleaning an area to seal…

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How to know if you are a candidate for dental implants

Dental implants are surgical procedures that involve placing a post (or “implant”) into the jawbone under local anaesthesia, fixed by titanium screws. The implant will become a section of the jawbone within a week. Dental implants are very successful, with an over 95% success rate. Dental implant’s success is a joint effort between you and…

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What are the side effects of All-on-4 dental implants?

The side effects of having All-on-4 implants placed in one’s mouth are related to the surgical process. These side effects can vary from person to person, with the most common side effect being chronic gum inflammation. Other side effects that have been seen in people who have had All-on-4 dental implants placed in their mouths…

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Benefits of Dental Implants

Prevent bone loss The bone under the gap begins to deteriorate after tooth loss. The jawbone needs stimulation from chewing to maintain its mass. Dental implants behave as the tooth root and replace the stimulation lost, preventing bone loss. Dental implants can last a lifetime. Dental implants are made to last forever when properly maintained.…

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Preventing Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is the process where one or more of your teeth come loose and eventually fall off. Tooth loss is caused by several factors, including: Gum disease. It is the most common cause of tooth loss.  A cracked or broken tooth can fall out any time if left untreated. Dental caries. When left unchecked,…

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What’s included in the Cost of All-on-4® Implants?

Unlike other teeth replacement solutions such as dentures, All-on-4® implants are a permanent solution. The treatment also lets you receive your teeth right away, unlike conventional implants where one has to wait six months for the jaw to heal. All-on-4® dental implant treatment involves surgery where four implants are placed into the jawbone. Fixed dental…

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