Recovering From Dental Implant Procedure

After a dental implant procedure, you will require some time to recover. The procedure involves surgery; hence it is very important to rest—some tips on how to speed up your recovery.

  • Rest

Rest help your body heal itself. The tiredness and the feeling of being worn out are just your body telling you to slow down a little bit for it to heal. Pushing yourself to work or exercise will delay your healing.

  • Eat soft and nutritious foods

After having a dental implant procedure, you are instructed to eat only soft foods. You should also avoid hot or spicy food for the next 48 hours since the food cause irritation and discomfort on the surgical site. 

You should eat soft foods that do not need chewing since jaw movement will cause irritation. The dentist will tell you what to eat as the healing proceeds. Always follow the dentist’s advice.

Ensure that the soft food is nutritious. Your body needs nutrients to help it heal faster and decrease the chance of any complications arising.

  • Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is important after surgery as it helps the body flush out toxins that would interrupt the healing process. Hydration also gives you a feel-good feeling, and you will always feel energised. Don’t drink alcohol or caffeine as they dehydrate the body. Alcohol also interferes with the healing process.

  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater

Saltwater reduces the number of bacteria inside the mouth and soothe the incision. To make salt water add a teaspoon of salt in warm water. Dissolve the salt, gently gargle for approximately 30 seconds, and split it out.

  • Ice pack

You might experience swelling or bruising after the procedure. To reduce the swelling, use ice packs wrapped in a towel. Place it on the side of the face where the implants were placed. Ice packs should be applied for 20 minutes on and 10minutes off.

If you need dental implants or All-on-4, Next Smile Melbourne offers the best dental implants services. Their dental professional will assist and be there for you every step of the way. Visit their websitefor more information.