Preventing Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is the process where one or more of your teeth come loose and eventually fall off. Tooth loss is caused by several factors, including:

  • Gum disease. It is the most common cause of tooth loss.
  •  A cracked or broken tooth can fall out any time if left untreated.
  • Dental caries. When left unchecked, caries can lead to tooth loss. The holes grow more prominent over

Tooth loss prevention

Often gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. It causes when plaque bacteria eat away at your teeth and gum line, it creates gaps which lead to infection. Therefore, preventing gum disease is preventing tooth loss.

Dental tips on how to prevent tooth loss

  • Use an electric toothbrush.

An electric toothbrush is more powerful than a traditional toothbrush. Have a proper oral care routine of brushing twice and flossing once daily. This will help remove plaque. Therefore, you will have a healthy gum line.

  • Avoid tobacco and limit alcohol.

Tobacco use increases the risk of gum disease and oral fungal infection. Alcohol increase the likelihood of oral cancer. When tobacco and alcohol are combined, the effects are might greater.

  • Check your diet

Avoid eating sugary and starchy snacks. Also, ensure you consume nutritious and balanced meals and limit snacks.

  • Regular checkups

If you visit the dentist regularly, they will detect early signs of oral problems. This will lead to treatment before the damage is too much.

See your dentist frequently for professional cleaning and oral exams. Ask your dentist about dental sealants applied to the chewing surfaces of your back teeth to protect them from decay.

  • Use products with fluoride

Use toothpaste that has fluoride and rinse your mouth with a fluoride-containing mouthwash. Also, drink fluoridated water. Consult your dentist on the use of fluoride supplements that help strengthen your teeth.

Maintain your teeth to avoid tooth decay. Regular checkups come in handy. Next Smile Sydney is the dental health care centre to visit if you have tooth decay. Their dental specialist will help and treat you accordingly. Visit their website or contact them for more information.